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High-end channel strip with a flexible tube preamp, passive Pultec-style EQ, opto- and Vari-Mu compressor

You have experience with digital music production and with handling plug-ins but are aspiring to reach the professional league 

The digital sound editing of voices and solo instruments makes sense if you want to work mobile in the pre-production stage or want to quickly test certain equalizer or compressor types using their digital clones. 
During the completion of your mix with the plug-ins, you realise that recorded voices don't become prevalent, don't integrate into your mix and clearly sound adapted.

Maybe you made the right decision in quality and bought a good microphone, however a premium mixing console is, to continue with quality, outside of your budget.

So far, you have vainly looked for a solution to that problem. A combination of a premium pre-amplifier, compressor and equalizer whic his made up of the finest components is available in only one piece of equipment and for an exceptionally fair price that is reachable for studios projects.

We at Tegeler Audio Manufactur as musicians had the very same problem and therefore shifted our focus towards the development of such a device. The VTRC. The Vari Tube Recording Channel gives your recording the most up market boutique sound and confident powers of self-assertion, while at the same time creating a perfect integration into the mix.

The device will astonish you with its sound results that are accredited to other high end devices within the top price range when used during blind tests.

It is the first sound refiner worldwide which allows for the combined operation of vari-q and optical compression and therewith offers a sound-spectrum ranging from clean precision to a silky warm vintage sound.

The VTRC absolutely convinced us and that is why we offer you to try out this device without any obligations for 14 days. Simply sign up at the above link and the VTC will be delivered to you on the same work-day (if available).

Vari-µ compressor (Opto and Vari-µ comprossor can be used at the same time)
Line input with separate line input transformer
Two VTRC linkable for stereo operation
EQ: 24kHz high boost frequency for additional air band
Switchable compressor timing
Upgraded tube input stage

Opto compressor (Opto and Vari-µ comprossor can be used at the same time)
Passive Pultec-style EQ
Microphone preamp, character changeable from clean to fat
EQ can be switch before or after compressor
EQ can be switched to compressor's side chain


Tube device (3 Triodes)
Class-A circuit
Frequency response: 20 - 20.000 Hz +/- 1,5dB
Stepped Potentiometers
Transformer balanced inputs and output
Internal power supply with toroidal transformer
Height: 132mm (3U), width: 483mm, depth: 250mm

Microphone Preamp
Microphone preamp with transformer / 48V / Phase
True 48V phantom power
Phase switch
High-impedance instrument input(100 kOhm)
Character changeable from clean to fat

Low-cut: 80-160Hz
Low-mid boost: 80-120-200-300-500-700-1000 Hz
Mid-cut: 200-300-500-700 Hz 1-1,5-2-3-4-5-7 kHz
High boost: 1,5-2-3-4-5-7-10-12-16-20-24 kHz

Opto compressor
Vari-Tube compressor (vari-µ)
Program-adaptive attack and release timing


  • Frequency Response: 20Hz - 22kHz
  • Maximum Mic Input Level: +12 dBu
  • Maximum Line Input Level: +20 dBu
  • Maximum Instrument Input Level: +6 dBu
  • Line Input Impedance: 2.4k
  • Instrument Input Impedance: 100k
  • Output Impedance: < 600
  • Maximum Output Level: +24 dBu
  • Dynamic Range: 95 dB
  • Voltage: 230 V~/50Hz or 115V~/60Hz
  • Fuse: 500 mA slow-blow
  • Maximum Power Consumption: < 25 W
  • Dimensions: 3 U, H:132 mm, W:483 mm, D:250 mm

Tegeler VTRC Vari Tube Recording Channel

This item is available to order. Contact us for an estimated delivery time.
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