From the pioneer of recording consoles comes the 5060 Centerpiece: the Class-A analog heart of your 21st-century studio. Sized for your desktop, the 5060 delivers the tonality and center section features of Rupert Neve Design's flagship 5088 console at your fingertips, cementing outboard together with serious custom transformers, flexible monitoring, DAW transport controls, and the raw power of a Rupert Neve-designed 242 mix-buss.
With a modular, hybrid analog/digital mix system built around the 5060, you can outfit your studio with exactly what you need - and nothing that you don't. Utilizing modern DAW control technologies, the 5060 seamlessly integrates stem outputs from the DAW with the rest of your control room, sums the final mix, and provides 2-track outputs, source selection, and up to three speaker feed outputs from the monitor section.
Used in conjunction with Rupert Neve Designs' other summing products and outboard equipment, the 5060 Centerpiece forms the core of a scalable analog system. In this arrangement, additional summing mixers provide expandable channel counts and aux routing capabilities, Portico and Shelford modules provide preamplification, EQ, and dynamics, and the Centerpiece unites it all. The 5060 brings your dreams of a seamless hybrid workflow to reality.
New Class-A Topologies
The new +/- 24V class-A topologies in the 5060 are the key to a more detailed, sweeter and spacious mix buss. With zero crossover distortion and unmatched purity, the 5060 delivers the sound of the 5088 to your desktop. To get more dynamic harmonic content out of the mix buss, you can push the levels on the input channels into the mix buss to find the "sweet spot".
Custom Transformers
Beyond providing ground-loop free interfacing, Rupert's custom transformers in the 5060 are responsible for its larger than life sound. To accentuate the classic tone from the output transformers, you can use the Silk / Texture controls to dial in the desired amount of "colour" depending on what each mix needs.
Stereo Input Channels 1-8
A professional grade 100mm fader determines the level of stereo input channels 1-8, with up to +10dB of additional line gain. Channels 1-8 can be either stereo or center-panned mono, and have both mute switches and inserts. The insert send of channels 1-2, and 3-4 has optional talkback assignment for use when feeding channels 1-8 through the 5060 to multichannel cue systems. The insert sends on channels 1-8 may also be used as a pre-fader send to a multi-track recorder.
Stereo Inputs Channels 9-24
Eight active stereo inputs with rotary faders for stem and aux inputs.
Stereo Buss Master
A 100mm stereo fader provides level control for the master stereo buss, outputting to both the stereo buss monitor signal and the stereo master output. For adding compression and EQ to the mix buss, there is also a transformer-coupled insert engaged by the Insert switch.
Texture & Silk Red / Blue
Every mix demands its own treatment. Continuously variable Texture controls with Silk Red and Silk Blue modes allow the engineer to fine-tune the harmonic ratio and tonality of the 5060's outputs - or to leave each mix pristine and uncolored. The Silk Red mode accentuates the transformer saturation in the highs and high-mid frequencies to add a "sparkle" to the mix, while Silk Blue accentuates the saturation of the lows and low-mid frequencies to add thickness and density - especially useful for dry, somewhat anemic mixes. Unlike EQ, these Silk & Texture controls saturate the output transformers, and add musical harmonics to the source material according to the amount of Texture applied.
Drive the mix buss hard and crank the Texture knob for a rich, saturated, vintage vibe or disengage Silk entirely for clear, wide-open sonic beauty.
The included talkback mic is activated by depressing the Talkback switch. The Talkback has level control, a direct out, and assignment to insert sends 1-2 & 3-4. When the talkback switch is depressed, the speaker output levels are lowered according to the setting of the Dim control. A talkback remote may also be plugged into the 1/4" talkback remote input on the back of the 5060.
Transport Controls
Standard transport functions in DAWs including play, stop, record, fast-forward, rewind, loop, shuttle / jog and marker drop are controlled through MIDI or USB interconnection.
Monitor Source Selection
Selects the monitor source from between the stereo buss and three external monitor inputs.
Monitor Select
Selects which speaker output is active. By holding the Mon 3 button, the Mon 3 outs will "latch" on, allowing both Mon 1 & 2 for use with subwoofers or speakers in the cutting room.
Headphone Amplifier
A class-A reference-grade headphone amplifier with headphone level control. The headphone signal follows the selection of the monitor select.
Monitor Level
A precision 21-step attenuator provides highly accurate left/right stereo tracking, perfect repeatability, and determines the level of the monitor output.
VU meters display the RMS signal level of the selected monitor source, and the peak indicator illuminates red when the peak threshold has been exceeded.
Engaged when either the Dim or Talkback switch is depressed, Dim reduces the monitor volume between -6dB and -30dB.
Mix Inputs 1-24: 2 x DB-25
Mix Channel Inserts Send/Return 1-8: 1 x DB-25
Mix Send to External Monitor:
Monitor Outputs (Mon 3 latching): 6 x XLR
Talkback Output: 1 x TRS
Talkback Remote: 1 x TS
Stereo Mix Insert/Return L-R: 4 x TRS
Stereo Mix Output: 2 x XLR
Midi In / Out: 2 x Midi
Computer Connection: USB
Power: 3-Pin IEC
The updated Satellite and Centerpiece from Rupert Neve Designs retain all the same characteristics that garnered each their respective "Small Format Console Technology" TEC Awards, but with the updated Shelford colour scheme to make them more referential to the classic design ideologies on which they are based. No other changes have been made.
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