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2-Channel Line Isolation Box for DSP Guitar rigs or Percussion pads with XLR Polarity Reverse switch and Summing on 1/4″ & XLR outs.


This choice includes the Polarity Reverse, XLR Summing and 1/4 Inch Summing Switches.

This model is custom built in a “regular” DISO+ enclosure with laminated labels for the XLRSUM and POLREV switches.


What does it do?

  • Converts 1/4 inch (balanced or unbalanced) to XLR balanced output.
  • Protects from accidental phantom power damage.
  • Transformer isolation allows for ground lifting to kill hum.
  • 1/4 inch outputs allow connection to powered monitor(s).
  • Passive Summing network for 1/4 inch outs for Amp or FRFR
  • XLR Summing switch
  • Polarity Reverse switch for the Left XLR out.
  • Acts as a patchbay eliminating the need to repatch the board between rehearsal and stage.
  • Keeps signal level high and tone intact.


XLR Summing Switch

This choice adds a Summing switch for the XLRs.  This allows the setup to quickly move from stereo to mono and back with the flick of a switch.


Polarity Reverse Switch

This choice adds a switch for reversing the polarity of the Left XLR.  This is useful for setups using dual Iridiums (with Round and Chime or Round and Punch) or setups with the UA Dream and Ruby (in “Bril” mode) or UA Dream and Woodrow.


For DSP Guitar Rigs…

If you are using FX DSP simulation/load boxes such as the UA Ruby/Dream/Woodrow, Strymon Iridium, Line 6 HX Stomp, Walrus ACS1, Line 6 HX Effects, Two Notes Torpedo Live, Torpedo CAB, or Headrush Gigboard and are interfacing them in a live situation, you shouldn’t be using a direct box (for impedance matching) but should be using a “line isolator”.  These simulators have outputs on ¼ inch connectors but no way to ground lift in the event of ground loop noise.  A line isolator won’t drop your signal level like a direct box will, but will maintain the line level while giving the ability to ground lift and eliminate noise when running your guitar signal to the main PA.  In addition, transformer isolation insures that Phantom Power from the console never touches the outputs of your FX pedal.


For Percussion Pads…

Most percussion pads (Roland SPD-S, SPD-SX, Alesis Samplepad, Yamaha DTX, etc.) have line outs on 1/4 inch connectors but no XLR.  These don’t need the impedance matching of a DI that will also drop the level.  Some units have notoriously weak outputs.  A line isolator is the perfect device to use to keep the level high and clean but still allow for ground lift on a professional stage with dirty power or bad grounds.


Engineered for Pedalboards:

The DISO-Plus is a 2-channel line isolator box made to integrate with other guitar pedals.  It can deliver pure, clean sounds in the studio and it has also passed the toughest test of touring life as well.

The two ¼ inch input, two ¼ inch output and two XLR output jacks are mounted on a powder coated, cast aluminum enclosure.  A ground lift switch is mounted between the XLR connectors so that it is out of the way and won’t get bumped accidentally. A stereo/mono switch is located near the ¼ inch outputs and actuates a summing network to allow both 1/4 inch L and R signals to be summed to an amp or full range speaker while keeping the XLR outputs in stereo.  This allows you to quickly connect a regular guitar amp or powered speaker for monitoring on stage or checking patches before a gig without disconnecting or re-patching anything from your board.


Hand-Built with Top Quality Parts

The DISO-Plus is all about giving you a clean, clear signal all of the time.  We build them one-at-a-time by hand using genuine Jensen Transformers line transformers, high reliability all-metal connectors from Switchcraft and Neutrik and top-shelf sealed switches from Grayhill.  It is backed up with a full 3-year warranty.

Pinstripe Pedals DISO Plus Deluxe

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